Training Ahli K3 – HSE Consultant – Konsultan ISO – NEBOSH Indonesia


Testimonial of the participants of Training NEBOSH International Technical Certification in Oil & Gas Operational Safety:

“Well organized course, the trainer well knowledge & provided good support to all participant to achieve our aim & Objective. The training coordinator (Tasya) so friendly & helpful for logistic needed during the course. The batch of course really enjoy & built good network within HSE people in Indonesia. Bandung is the best option for participant to attend the course easy access, good hotel training facilities. Keep it up Phitagoras!!! Be leading the best safety training provider in Indonesia” yadi Kusmayadi, Leighton Offshore PTE. LTD

“It is good to have the trainer with the industrial background so that all questions or concerns will be explained clearly and logic.” Mochamad Rizal Bustomi, Expro Indonesia

“Intresting view when it come about the safety for oil and gas. i found that this could by expand my horizon for HSE after for the past 8 years working in HSE Of Mining Environment” Hakim Nur Huda, Pinang Coal

“Quite challenging & essential for anyone in oil & gas industry. with qulified & experienced trainer this is a training that shouldnt be missed” R. Amino Irvany, PT. AKR Corporindo Tbk

“This training is designed to cover many aspect in oil and gas industry with not only HSE perspective to look from, but alos the operational and practicality of implementing these HSE control measures. By going through this course, participants will be able to fill in the “Missing Link” that most of the time exist between operation and safety personnel, can be cause if an incident in work place. Gery Achsan, Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE)  Nunukan

“Thanks to phitagoras, a wonderful place to have course, very organized and planned.” Bondan Adiguna

“Good arrangement for training Nebosh ITC and also good trainer to add  my knowledge for oil and gas perhaps could be increase at my career. I recommended that phitagoras global duta is trusted as provider training for oil & gas.” Lintang Amalsyah Manurung

“Very good arrangement by phitagoras, the instructor is experience and explain all the elements cleany.  i learn a lot during this course and plan to attend other courses arrange by phitagoras.” Rockyanto Sasabone, CNOOC SES Ltd

“Good training, good trainer, good training location, good training material.” Adi Sudaryanto, HESS Indonesia

“Trainingnya ok, makan malamnya seru dan enak. Jimbaran baru.” Arif Rachman, Santos Pty Ltd

“It was good constructive training good arrangement of course facility clear & consise explanation from instructor and time table was followed.” Kadardo

“Phitagoras is really professional training provider especially for the NEBOSH ITC of Oil & Gas Operational Safety. The trainer is competent and highly knowledgeable in the field of safety management in the oil & gas industry.
The staff provided excellent support and welcome for any feedbacks for improvement. the activity outside the training such as dinner in the beach can also effectively gather all traines to strengthen the relationship for their proffesional networking.
Phitagoras is not only providing the training but also help us to meet our proffesional colleagues to share our industry experiences and good pratices” Mohammad Nurkholik, BP Indonesia

“So far training is good for my own knowledge many friend here from any background and i can asking them when i dont understand about oil and gas. for phitagoras provider the training running as normally everything can handle with proffesional.” Jefri Chandra, PT. Ekspres Transportasi Antarbenua

“Ini pengalaman pertama saya training bersama PT. Phitagoras. kesan yang saya dapatkan sangat baik dan proffesional dalam menyelenggarakan training. Fasilitas + akomodasi juga sangat memuaskan serta staff yang helpful. Next saya tertarik untuk menggunakan phitagoras sebagai provider training” Rama Masdian, PT. Vico Indonesia

“The atmosphere of training was very condusive” Danang Setiawan, PT. Vico Indonesia

“Training yang luar biasa buat saya menambah wawasan pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang luas mengenai operational safety di industri oil dan gas. kualitas bahan training yang baik, trainer yang kompeten serta interaktif peserta yang rata – rata sudah berpengalaman dalam industri oil and gas membuat pelaksanaan training menjadi lebih berkualitas, menarik dan menantang. selain itu fasilitas yang nyaman, service support dari pihak penyelenggara yang memuaskan membuat pelaksanaan training menjadi lebih memuaskan” Arief Budiman, PT. Tugu Pratama Indonesia

“Training provider is good and friendly, training administrator (nadya tasya) is good & friendly and do her job with fully responsibility, room and training facility is good/excellent, coffe time menu is good” Ulung Putra Sakti, PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ

“Materi training compatible dengan kegiatan kerja, instructure qualified, attention penyelenggara kepada peserta training sangat bagus dan kooperatif.” Herry Ridwan Jaya, Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) Pty,Ltd

The course was very usefull and the trainer delivered the training material clearly” Denie Arifianto, Wilmar International

Good training for improve my skill, good location for training (I think excellent plae to do training), material training is excellent, training administrator mss nadya is helpful freindly and nice to trainee, instructor is ok, not text book. Elson Tahalea

Good trainer & deliverable, proffesional training provider, nice hotel & food beverage. “Sandi Dumara, PHE ONWJ”

Trainer Mr. Keith Good, best experience, friezndly, two ways conversation trainer with audience. All summary performance this training is VERY GOOD. “Agung Nugraha Widjaja, PT. Energi Mineral Langgeng”

Pelaksanaannya lancar, panitia ramah dan sangat membantu, lokasi nyaman, waktu belajar panjang dan materi lengkap. “Budi Ariyanto, Chevron”

Nebosh ITC oil and gas training course is a comprehensive training that will give us the key things to run business in oil and gas industry especially managing HSE Risk. “Irwan Susanto, BP Berau Ltd”

Good training arrangment, good respond and proactive of the organizer. “Junovi Setiono, Total E & P Indonesie”

This training opened my eyes widely at how dangerous our industry is so many perspective. the trainer is so easy to deal with, the communication was very clear and esay to understand. “Troy Hutagalung, Geokinetics”

materi sesuai dengan kebutuhan, Trainer menerangkan dengan jelas dan contoh yang relevan dengan pekerjaan, tempat dan ruangan serta fasilitas sangat baik dan makanan baik. Secara keseluruhan semua aspek penyelenggaraan dari training ini sangat memuaskan. “Fitra Muriani, PT. Pertamina EP”

“The content is very usefull for the operational in migas company, lot of the new subject and knowledge from the course. From the hazards identification that i never knew before such as electric static also tank storage for the substance liquid. The training admin is also helping me so much, tasya has a quick response, she arrange everything for me for hotel and accomodation, she remind every aspects could be very important for nebosh good knowledge. In overall I am very satisfied, thank you phitagoras.” Edho Kurniawan, PT. Transocean

“Great to be one of participant on this training. the training materials is related to the daily works activity, nice instructor with two way discussion and absolutely nice home work and examination” Nikko Widityawan, SPC Mahakam Hilir Pte, Ltd

“Training was excellent and give a lot of benefit to me and hopefully to my company” Widi Hernowo, Buana Mas International Company

“Great time, good learning, enjoyable session and cant wait to implement” Alex Rio Eddie, Vico Indonesia

“Smart trainer, nice venue, good food, excellent !! “ Budhi Mulia Nasution, Premier Oil

“Very good training course with good trainer & provider. Hopefully can do another training with Phitagoras & KBA” Total E&P Indonesie

“Good and interactive training, I dont have time for sleepy everytime afternoon class. Good video and good presenter.” Margaretha T, PHE ONWJ

“Training berjalan baik, materi bisa disampaikan secara komprehensif, fasilitas dan trainer sangat baik. Definitely I will use phitagoras again as training provider.” Galuh Pramudipto. PHE West Madura Offshore

“Excellent training NEBOSH, nice location in Bali!, on schedule baik cakupan materi maupun hari pelaksanaan, oke : Dapet jaket, tas & kits material” Bakhtiar N.C. – Pertamina EP

“Penyelenggaraan training NEBOSH ini baik, dari segi trainer, materi yang dibawakan hingga ke lokasi & fasilitas training. Peserta juga dibantu oleh pihak Phitagoras dengan pemberian handout & latihan soal yang dikemas dengan baik” M. Ali Lukman – Pertamina Hulu Energi

“Good training, properly structured and giving more knowledge in operating Oil & Gas facilities safely” Agus Supriyanto – Total E&P Indonesie

“Overall training ini sudah cukup baik, trainernya menjelaskan dengan jelas dan memberi contoh-contoh yang relevan, fasilitas training sudah baik, akomodasi juga sudah cukup baik. Skala 1-10, nilainya 9″ Meutiah Friszky A. – Medco E&P Indonesia

“It is a well organized training NEBOSH by Phitagoras. A good and well organize course, accomodation/ hotel, training material. Good instructor as well who has a lot of experience in Oil & Gas industry. I enjoy this training”Silvia Damayanti – Total E&P Indonesie

“Secara pelayanan sejak dari pendaftaran sampai dengan selesainya training tersebut bahwa PT Phitagoras representative, sangat membantu mulai dari sisi administrasi sampai dengan hal2 yang bersifat diluar training dapat diselesaikan dengan baik, Rating : 2(two) thumbsup, professional.” Nugroho – Total E&P Indonesie

“Extremely Educational, Had a great time, Great Instructor” Henry Simanjuntak – Vico Indonesia

“The training NEBOSH is significantly imploved due to the quality of instructors, the experiences have by PT Phitagoras and the composition of the perticipant that comes from differents company” Darmawan A. Mukharror – Total E&P Indonesie

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