

Phitagoras Training & Consulting is a management consulting firm dedicated to support organizations, in all sectors of business, industry and government. We provide a wide range of consulting and training services in the areas of Quality/Productivity, Environmental, Occupational Health & Safety and Laboratory.

Phitagoras was establish in 2003, and has growth rapidly as one of the leading business consulting firm in Indonesia. Our success is a result of our unique approach, professionalism, and our commitment to stay focused to our customer needs.

Eversince it was established, Phitagoras has assisted many organizations in various industries including Oil & Gas, Manufacturing, Pharmaceutical, Chemical & Petrochemicals, Engineering, Mining, Construction, Building Management, Information Technology, Food & Beverages, University / Education, Water Supply, Pulp & Papers, Laboratories, Services, etc



Become a training and consultant company that provides innovative solutions for our customers in Asia Pacific.


We provide skill training and knowledge that can significantly improve our customer’s work productivity so as to increase their contribution to the company. We also specialise in producing skilled labour that benefit our country’s economic growth.


logo iso 29993
ISO 45001 UKAS Phitagoras
ISO Logo
Nebosh Logo 2019
Training CIEH Food Safety Level 4
british safety council
Phitagoras is now Registered Training Centre International Qualifications Network (IQN)
Training K3 Laboratorium BNSP
  • ISO 29993:2017 (learning services outside formal education) certification from Sucofindo with Certificate Number: PNFS 00001.
  • ISO 45001:2018 Certified by Bureau Veritas. Accredited by UKAS and Komite Akreditasi Nasional (KAN)
  • ISO 9001:2015 Certified by British Standards Institution (BSI), certificate no FS 669848, accredited by ANAB and KAN
  • The National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH) – UK, Centre No. 789
  • The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) – UK, Centre No. 63858
  • British Safety Council Approved Centre, qualification accreditation number: 600/1803/3
  • Perusahaan Jasa Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (PJK3) KEMNAKER, Nomor SKP: 007/DJPPK/PJK3-LAT/III/2010
Phitagoras Logo 21 - white

Phitagoras Training & Consulting is a management consulting company dedicated to supporting organizations in all industrial and government business sectors. Phitagoras provides various consulting and training services in the fields of Quality / Productivity, Environment, Occupational Safety & Health and Laboratories. 



Copyright © Phitagoras Training and Consulting 2024

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Sertifikat BNSP & KEMNAKER

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