Training Ahli K3 – HSE Consultant – Konsultan ISO – NEBOSH Indonesia


IHT NEBOSH International Technical Certificate in Oil & Gas Operational Safety, PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam

Inhouse Training NEBOSH International Technical Certificate in Oil & Gas Operational Safety – PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam

Alhamdulillah, senang mendengar bahwa Phitagoras Training and Consulting berhasil menyelenggarakan Inhouse Training NEBOSH International Technical Certificate in Oil & Gas Operational Safety untuk PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam dengan sukses.

Training NEBOSH International Technical Certificate in Oil & Gas Operational Safety

in Construction Health and Safety

A specialist qualification – Designed with safety in mind

Training NEBOSH International Technical Certificate in Oil & Gas Operational Safety Presented By PT. Phitagoras Global Duta (NEBOSH Accredited Centre No 789)

This Training NEBOSH Oil and Gas Operational Safety course is a professional qualification that allows individuals to gain a good grounding according to the operational safety requirements in the oil and gas environment, both onshore and offshore. This Training NEBOSH is developed to meet the growing requirements for formal training and certification.

Who should attend this Training NEBOSH Oil and Gas?

The Training NEBOSH Oil and Gas is designed for people such as managers, supervisors, employee representatives, health and safety counselors who needs to ensure and understand safety in the working environment.

What are the benefits of this training NEBOSH Oil and Gas? This Training NEBOSH Oil and Gas Certificate has been professionally structured as a competency development course for personnel working in the safety industry, equipping them with vital specialized safety training and know-how. By implementing effective process safety management across all areas of operations to reduce accidents and achieve cost savings for the business.

Training NEBOSH International Certificate in Oil & Gas Operational Safety Course Content

The contents of this Training NEBOSH are covered in FIVE elements :-

ELEMENT 1: Health, Safety and environmental management in context: Learning from Incidents, Hazards inherent in oil and gas, Risk Management Techniques used in the oil and gas industries & Safety cases and safety reports

ELEMENT 2: Hydrocarbon process safety 1: Contractor management, Process Safety Management (PSM), Role and Purpose of a permit-to-work system, Key principles of shift handover & Plant operations and maintenance

ELEMENT 3: Hydrocarbon process safety 2: Failure modes, Safety critical equipment controls, Safe storage of hydrocarbons, Furnace and boiler operations

ELEMENT 4: Fire protection and emergency response: Fire and explosion risk in the oil and gas industries & Emergency Response

ELEMENT 5: Logistics and Transport operations: Marine Transport & Land Transport Note: The Training NEBOSH Oil and Gas Certificate consists of over 34 hours of tuition.

How is it assessed? Candidates of this Training NEBOSH Oil and Gas will be assessed through a written examination at the end of the course.

NEBOSH International Certificate in Oil and Gas Operational Safety Training

  • USD $ 2400.00 – USD $ 2300.00 –  (Includes Course Fee and Exam Fee)

Note : *The payment will remain in IDR, and the nominal amount will be adjusted according to the exchange rate at the time of payment.*


Training Facilities

The Training NEBOSH Oil and Gas Fee Includes: Nebosh Certificate (for all participants who have successfully passed the exam) Training KitsLunch and Coffee BreakHardcopy Module for the NEBOSH International Technical Certificate in Oil and Gas Operational Safety Guide, Course Workbook & NEBOSH registration & Examination fee

The Training NEBOSH Fee Excludes: Hotel accomodation, can be arranged by PT. Phitagoras Global Duta if required.

The Training NEBOSH ITC in Oil and Gas Operational Safety schedule

  •  Bali, 02 – 06 December 2024 (written exam on 7 December 2024)

(5 days Instructor-Led classroom teaching through handouts, lectures, presentations, demonstrations, and discussions) + 1 day examination

Terima kasih kepada para peserta atas kepercayaan yang diberikan. Semoga pelatihan ini memberikan manfaat yang besar dan meningkatkan kompetensi dalam bidang keselamatan operasional di industri minyak dan gas. Jika ada umpan balik atau pertanyaan dari peserta, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami!

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